Message from the President社長挨拶
The fun of chemistry.
It has infinite possibilities.
The chemistry will create new products and values when people to people, companies to companies get together; produce new substances as a chemical reaction. Sometimes we help, sometimes we develop ourselves and meet the needs of the times and we are aiming for the social contribution that can be achieved by the power of chemistry. We will restore the happiness of the chemical industry to people's lives, to the global environment and the future. IWATA will pursue its possibilities.
The fun of chemistry.
It has infinite possibilities.
The chemistry will create new products and values when people to people, companies to companies get together; produce new substances as a chemical reaction. Sometimes we help, sometimes we develop ourselves and meet the needs of the times and we are aiming for the social contribution that can be achieved by the power of chemistry. We will restore the happiness of the chemical industry to people's lives, to the global environment and the future. IWATA will pursue its possibilities.
"Safe, secure and stable supply."
We build a supply system that meets the needs of all fields
and support production activities with our customers.
"I want to make things."
The passion of one employee has grown into one of the nation's leading building materials manufacturers and supports the Japanese housing industry.
"I want to challenge into new fields."
Ambition for the future produces new products and supports research activities in the bio and pharmaceutical fields.。
"Always think and act from the customer's point of view and "create" the service."
Establish mutual trust through constant self-innovation and create the best customer satisfaction. At the same time, we not only provide information and technology but also create new products and realize ideas and needs with our unique development capabilities. That is the origin and strength of IWATA.。In the Meiji era, since raising the voice as an industrial chemical wholesaler in Owari Nagoya and has been in the midst of a hundred years of history in the continues changing the era of textiles, automobiles, semiconductors, IT and biotechnology. We would like to thank you also for your patronage. We will continue to demonstrate our creative power as a trading company in a new era, and we will use the information and wisdom as ideas, and evolve our passion and development powers into technology and pioneer the future.